Celebrating 50 Years of Service

With empathy, integrity, accountability, passion, and a belief that people can change, OAR has helped over 150,000 people to succeed after the justice system involvement.

meeting, brainstorming, business
About OAR

OAR is a local non-profit restorative justice organization

Mission: To rebuild lives and create a safer community with opportunities, alternatives, and resources for justice-involved individuals and their families

Join Our Volunteer Team


total clients were served by OAR during the past fiscal year


community volunteers contributed 10,867 hours valued at over $298,840, or the equivalent of 5.2 full-time employees


clients participated in skills-based classes with 80% improving their self-sufficiency skills


post-release clients obtained employment

Meet Our Team

We are passionate about second chances and providing the Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources justice-involved community members need to be successful. 

Grant Ehat

Retail Developer

Jemal Finney

CEO & Founder

Derwin Overton

OAR Executive Director

Joshua Cagney

What Clients and Supporters Are Saying

“OAR fills a huge gap in our criminal justice system. We learned of OAR in the days felons were released at midnight with just the belongings they went in with. Imagine being released with your summer clothes in the dead of winter! We have supported OAR form then on. Over time, OAR has expanded its critical service offerings, amplifying their impact on the lives of justice-involved community members and their families.”

Shashi & MArgaret Gupta

“OAR is a great organization. It helped me to reintegrate back into society and its resources, as limited as they are, they were sufficient enough to help me basically get myself on the right path.”

Joseph O. – OAR Client

"After retirement, I was looking to volunteer for an organization that would give me the opportunity to do something positive. Working in the OAR office helping the newly released population has been a wonderful way to fulfill my need to add some kindness in this world."

Cecilia Healy - OAR Volunteer

"My role at OAR is within the Fairfax County ADC, teaching classes, coaching clients, and assisting our amazing volunteer team as they do the same. This role is important to me because folks who are incarcerated often have the “perfect storm” of turning point factors, and we want them to turn the right direction! "

Jamie M. - OAR Staff Member

Get Started With Us

Ready To Donate?

Fairfax County

OAR services in each area vary based on the community’s needs and the available resources.  In Fairfax, OAR provides diversion programs, services for the incarcerated, post-release services, and family services.

Loudoun County

OAR services in each area vary based on the community’s needs and the available resources.  In Loudoun, OAR provides services for the incarcerated, post-release services, and family services. 

Prince William County

OAR services in each area vary based on the community’s needs and the available resources.  In Prince William, OAR provides post-release services and family services. 

Donate to Our Cause

Thank you for understanding the importance of the OAR mission and providing your support!

There are many ways that you can help and support OAR!

Employment Training Fund for Clients - $50,000
Emergency Assistance Fund for Clients - $30,000
Program Materials and Curriculum - $15,000

Join 14,000 others who are interested in learning more about the local justice system and the role OAR plays.

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