Virginia Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Program (VASAVOR)
VASAVOR (Virginia Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Program) combines and leverages the assets of Federal, State and Local agencies into partnerships designed to tackle the complex issues facing serious and violent justice-involved individuals and the communities they live in, upon their release.
The Problem
Making available services and treatment needed for these individuals to lead successful lives in their communities. Increasing protection for citizens of the community by enhanced casework as well as offender monitoring through advanced technology and the resultant augmentation of offender accountability.
The Partners
- Department of Corrections
- Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office
- Fairfax-Falls Church Community Service Board
- OAR of Fairfax
- Northern Virginia Workforce Investment Board
OAR of Fairfax County provides “one-stop” services which include case management, employment assistance, and mental health counseling on an ongoing basis. (Check with office at 703-246-3033 to verify the day these services are scheduled.)
The Promise
As partners in this initiative, we will do everything within our available resources, skills and experience to make it possible for VASAVOR program participants to successfully re-enter the community. We will also do everything within our available resources, skills and experience to enhance safety and prevent future victimization.
The Process
Important Information about Eligibility and Selection:
- Participants are pre-selected during incarceration
- Justice-involved individuals who have not been pre-selected cannot enter the program after release
- Services are provided to active participants only
- After a participant has completed the program, they are no longer eligible for VASAVOR services
Phase I (Planning):
- Selection for program participation by Review Team
- Transport to Fairfax County jail (up to 45 days prior to release)
- Orientation and evaluation by Transition Team
- Pre-release programs and development of service plans
Phase II (Release to Community):
- Release from incarceration
- Community supervision begins
- Release conditions reviewed
- Supervision plan established
- Meet with Transition Team to implement service plans
- Mental health treatment
- Substance abuse treatment
- Emergency needs
Phase III (Self-sufficiency):
- Establishment of responsibility and productivity
- Continued support from Transition Team
- Continued supervision