
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have other questions for OAR? 

If so please contact us.

A. OAR works with adults involved in the criminal justice system and their families in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties.  

A.  OAR assists community members, each year, as they struggle to manage the impact and collateral consequences of being involved with the criminal justice system. In FY 2019:

  • Individuals attended at least one of OAR’s 26 unique pre- or post-release skills classes and 80% of attendees showed improvement in that skill after the course.  
  • Hours of community service were coordinated by OAR for nearly 1,000 community members as an alternative to criminal convictions and/or incarceration. 
  • The number of times clients were provided with direct assistance such as clothing, transportation, medication, or food in order to avert a crisis.
  • Individuals completed OAR’s state certified Violence Intervention Program with zero participants arrested for a new violent offense 12 months after completion.

For more details on the services provided by OAR please review the OAR Annual Report.

Pays for identification needed for employment 
Provides released inmate with toiletries & clothing 
Gives child with incarcerated parent school supplies
Pays for transportation for up to 5 job interviews
Pays for employed exoffenders food until paycheck received
Buys uniforms, hardhat and/or boots for those newly employed
Pays for basic tradesmen’s tools, work boots, and work clothing
Prevents utility cut off for family with incarcerated loved one
Prevents eviction of family with incarcerated loved one
Pays for trade specific employment training
A: Small contributions from many donors are the primary source of funds for direct assistance services. These contributions enable our cleints to:
  • Preserve or obtain housing
  • Overcome the financial challenges associated with release
  • Meet the expenses of keeping a job, such as transportation, tools, and uniforms
  • Meet critical expenses such as electric or heating bills
  • Enroll in a college course or job training to improve work skills

A: We have worked with justice-involved individuals and their families since 1971 and understand their special needs and concerns. Putting resources into restoring individuals to become productive citizens is a good investment for the future. Diverting individuals with misdemeanor offenses into community service programs saves the court time and reduces jail costs.
OAR improves opportunities for justice-involved individuals to positively transition back into the community by assisting them to develop self-sufficiency, avoid future criminal activity, and maintain sobriety. Individuals with misdemeanor offenses, who perform community service instead of serving time or other sanctions, give back to the community in a positive way. Those served by OAR ultimately develop an optimistic attitude toward the community and their role in it, rather than feeling punished by the “system.”  
Volunteers from the community feel positive about preventing crime and helping justice-involved individuals to become better citizens. They further assist the families of inmates.  
Additionally, OAR programs prevent crime by restoring individuals to productive lifestyles. They also save taxpayer’s money that might have been spent for jail time, additional court time, and other services to mitigate the negative effects of criminal behavior.  

 A: OAR is eager to participate in research activity that helps to evaluate our programs, provides insight into the needs of the clients we serve, and/or helps us determine recidivism rates.  Please see our Research Partnership page for more information.  

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