
OAR Clients Get a Free Fresh Cut

A Fresh Look for OAR Clients

On June 20th, OAR hosted a free Father’s Day Haircut event on our Fairfax office. Local barbers Ahmed Padran and Antonio Gonzalez offered their services to our clients (and a couple of OAR staffers) free of charge. When neighbors come out to support each other, everyone wins.

In this case, Antonio is also a previous OAR client who struggled to find work after his release from incarceration. As a result, he started cutting hair and has since opened his own business. It really a special moment when folks come back to extend a helping hand to others going through many of the same struggles they have. We are so appreciative of these two generous gentlemen taking the time out of their schedules to lift up our clients in the spirit of Father’s Day. Thank you, Antonio and Ahmed!

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