
Give Choose is March 28th!

This year, OAR is raising funds during Give Choose to provide housing support for our clients at risk of homelessness in Loudoun County.


Finding safe and affordable housing is a significant concern for justice-involved individuals and their families. The Prison Policy Initiative estimates that formerly incarcerated individuals are ten times more likely to be homeless than those who are not justice impacted. Individuals with a history of incarceration may find their rental applications rejected outright, and, especially in winter months, our local homeless shelters are often full – leaving them nowhere to turn.

Research shows us that one of the most important stabilizing factors during reentry is access to housing. Whenever possible, OAR arranges housing before a client is released from incarceration. OAR assists with utilities, rent, or lease payments. OAR also provides hotel stays in cases in which no housing was able to be established pre-release. Our staff has worked closely with local hotel owners to provide long term stays for these individuals at reduced rates. OAR also assists clients with finding employment, substance abuse and mental health referrals, physical health referrals, and other financial needs.

OAR can step in to support clients in need of housing before it’s too late, but we can only do it with your help. In 2020, the last year for which data is available, the median cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Loudoun County was $1695 per month. This monthly cost is one of many financial challenges OAR faces to help find housing for our clients and their families.

Please donate today so together we can reduce homelessness and housing insecurity for the justice-impacted community members of Loudoun County!

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